Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Trying to do the things I like......

Well, I am going to try and keep this blog up again......I really did like to write. Things are just so different that I can not seem to focus though, but I am going to give this a good try anyway.
One thing I am going to share is I went fly fishing the other day...oooo how I wish my camera was remembered. I really dislike it when I forget it. Anyway, fly fishing is sooo fun! I will defiantly become a full time angler this year. I can't wait to get a big fish too :) !!
I know this is short but at least I am trying...right?
If you are reading this my dear friend...I miss you and all the little ones....I hope to see you soon.....and about our talk all is the same.......
Be back soon!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Still here....

Yes I am still here...I can not believe how long it has been since I have written anything.
Anyways, so many things have changed in my life since my last post that I could not possibly try and enter them into my blog. In fact I am not sure what to type now....I need to focus on a single thought which has proven to be very difficult for me. I don't know why it is but, my brain is not capable of only a single thought at a time.
Oh well....